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Healthcare Traveler Magazine Online

Travel nursing blog! Read like a magazine!

The Health Care Traveler’s is one of the best way to suggests the professional tips that how to care about the health? Mean simply maintain the health. 

Top 20 Best and Worst Cities for RN's

Top 20 Best and Worst Cities for RN's
BLS (Bureau of Labor) stats show that RN jobs will continue to increase through at least 2026 and represent the largest share of job growth in the entire health care industry. Jobs in this field are up over 20% in the last decade.A review of stats including the growth and number of nursing positions available, as well as salaries were taken into ac...
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473 Hits

Hugs Can Heal

Hugs Can Heal
​As human beings we are hard wired to feel better whenever someone gives us a hug or if we are giving someone a hug. Oxytocin is released in your body as a result of hugging and this is also known as the love hormone. Oxytocin is part of what makes mothers feel so deeply for their newborn baby but it is not only during infancy that this chemical is...
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579 Hits

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
As we all know Memorial Day is a day set aside each May here in America to honor the men and women who have died in active service in our military.HealthCare Employment Network is proud to be veteran owned and we say thank you to all who are serving or have served. We honor you and we also remember so many who have been lost.Memorial Day Weekend is...
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588 Hits

What can do for you?

What can do for you?
HealthCare Employment Network,, is here to help you, the professional healthcare traveler or Registered Nurse find the right job in the right place. The travel nursing industry is booming as there are still more jobs than there are nurses to fill them.HealthCare Employment Network, is here to help you, the travel nurse or pr...
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552 Hits

Major Facilities in Need of NICU Travel RN's

Major Facilities in Need of NICU Travel RN's
​Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Registered Nurses are in demand in the top facilities across America. If you have experience in this field you can pick your location and job almost anywhere.Patients admitted to the NICU are usually premature and born before 37 weeksand weighing less than 5.5 pounds or some that may have a medical condition which requ...
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484 Hits

Top Cities for Travel Nurse Jobs

Top Cities for Travel Nurse Jobs
​Some of the top cities in the nation today in need of travel nurses and professional healthcare travelers are places I'm sure many of us have dreamed of visiting. Maybe it's time to start at an adventure at one of these many beautiful areas in our country.Maui, Hawaii – who doesn't want to go to Hawaii? The competition may be a little steeper for ...
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461 Hits

How Much Vitamin C Do you Need?

How Much Vitamin C Do you Need?
​Well, really that all depends on who you ask. Our bodies do not manufacture or store Vitamin C and therefore you must get it from your diet as it is a very important nutrient for us humans. It is a powerful antioxidant and helps protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. It also reduces the effects of aging, boosts the immune system and...
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498 Hits

Many Health Benefits of Dancing

Many Health Benefits of Dancing
​Yep! I know that sounds too good to be true, right? Reap health benefits from dancing. Well, I for one am a firm believer in this. I go out dancing every weekend once or twice to live music. I dance like it's a workout and have a great time and I do believe it's keeping me younger than my peers who don't dance. If you like to dance but haven't mad...
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533 Hits

Major Innovations with Augmented Reality

Major Innovations with Augmented Reality
One of the most promising digital technologies happening today in the healthcare industry and many other fields is the implementation of Augmented Reality. The uses seem almost endless in helping patients, technicians, RN's and physicians in so many aspects of care. Within the next five years it will most likely be in use in most facilities.Augment...
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516 Hits

Package Yourself for the Perfect Travel Nurse Job

Package Yourself for the Perfect Travel Nurse Job
I don't know about you but I find the questions asked in most job interviews very strange. A lot of the questions on today's job interviews involve behavioral interview questions and they are designed to expose your weaknesses.Part of my job is doing research to find topics that will be helpful to travel nurses and professional healthcare travelers...
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643 Hits

Top Texas Facilities Calling Travel Nurses

Top Texas Facilities Calling Travel Nurses
​Has Texas been calling you? There are so many top facilities and different areas to explore in this vast southern state. Of course, travel nurses and traveling healthcare professionals are in need in markets all across Texas and what a diversity of areas you can pick from.Beautiful and historic San Antonio can be found in the south of Texas with i...
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596 Hits

Spring Time has Arrived!

Spring Time has Arrived!
​Spring has arrived and hopefully along with it, some warmer weather for all the people who are not fortunate enough to live here in sunny Florida. Flowers are blooming all around and our beach is already full of people every day.As a travel nurse you know there are several things you need to be taking care of this time of year. One thing is income...
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568 Hits

Travel Nurse Resume Tips

Travel Nurse Resume Tips
​First of all, there are a few things you should definitely not include with Travel Nurse resume. Bad grammar and misspelled words are a couple of the most important things NOT to include on your resume. Make sure that you use proper grammar and spellcheck if you need to. The language and words you choose are a reflection of You...
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577 Hits

Coconut Water – Natural Hydration

Coconut Water – Natural Hydration
It has been shown in numerous studies that coconut water can lower blood sugar levels in some diabetics and improve health markers. It is nature's hydrator and is used in many countries to hydrate persons who have no emergency medical treatment closeby.Electrolytes such as potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium are found in coconut water and it h...
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579 Hits

Tips for Travel Nurses

Tips for Travel Nurses
Did you know there are more job openings in nursing than there are nurses? That's one of the many reasons for the continuing travel nursing boom. Travel nurses can provide the same professional healthcare services but are employed on travel assignments lasting between 8 to 52 weeks long. Thirteen week commitments are usually the normal for the majo...
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713 Hits
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